The Tantra of Sacred Singles –
a Single’s journey
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All program information and call links will be found in our PRIVATE SACRED SINGLES FACEBOOK GROUP
Click the button below NOW to request access to the group
Once inside the group, you will find everything you need to know.
I am excited to guide you on this sacred journey.
Please email me if you have problems accessing the group. Thank you.
Q- Do I need a partner for this?
A – No, this is a solo journey. You can be partnered however this is for you and about you.
Q- I have had trauma and arousal issues for over 20 years and have tried everything why will this be different?
A – I have developed practices that are multidimensional, working with the physical, neurochemical, emotional, and energetic components. There is nothing like this work anywhere, it is my life’s work.
Q- Are you trauma trained?
A – Yes and I have been working with people with sexual abuse challenges for over 30 years.
Q- What if I can’t be in a group of other women will I still get results?
A – Yes. It is not mandatory you join the private FB group to get results, you will need to access the group to get the call links. I will say based on my years of experience women heal better in community.
Q- Do I have to interact on the ZOOM call?
A – No. You might want to ask a question or share and if so I will make some time for that.
Q- What if I am in a time zone that doesn’t work for the calls, will I still get the benefit?
A – Yes. All the calls are recorded and you can access them anytime and get on the FB group to interact and ask questions as well.
Q- You said no one gets turned down if they can’t afford the program fee, is this true and how can you do that?
A – Yes, it’s true. All you need to do is go to the payment options buttons and pick the one that works for you. The full price if you can afford it, 2 pay option, a donation option for anyone who needs a price break, yes even pay $1.00 if that’s what you can. I want all women to have access to this training. Please share this page with every woman you can.
Q- Do you offer refunds?
A – Yes. If after the first call you don’t feel this is right for you then please let me know and I’ll refund you. I must receive your email refund request by May 5th. Email REFUND in the subject line.
Q- I’m a Christian, will the practices go against my faith?
A – No, I work with people from many different belief systems and faiths. And if you have a concern about something please let me know and we might be able to modify something.
Q- Will I have to share my trauma story with you or strangers?
A – No. This is not talk therapy. Truthfully I have worked with some of the most horrid trauma cases in the world and my system works without me knowing what has happened.
If you want to share in the FB group you may however this is not about where you have been as much as where you are going.
“I feel more brave and determined to move through the edgy places as a result of working with Tanja and the exemplary model she is.”
Anne Douglas, Banff, AB, Canada