VIP Immersion into your Fullest Arousal Imaginable
It just plain makes sense to put energy and resources into the most valuable thing in your life, your relationship.
Of all the things you spend your money on there isn’t anything else that will give you as much return on investment as taking care of and growing your love and passion!

A few times a year I will be available to guide you on a journey towards peak arousal like no other. You will have the time to completely immerse yourselves in learning the ways of passionate lovemaking, sexual healing, healthy communication, touch, kissing and ancient art forms of connection. Deepen your love, spiritual connection, pleasure, and passion.
You choose the location (beach, island, woods, local, exotic) and we customize the experience based on your needs or challenges. We will speak beforehand to get an idea of what you are thinking about or I can just handle it from my end and surprise you with your very own personalized plan.
Arousal and Pleasure as the path to enhancing your relationship together is the most fun and exciting way to create an unshakable bond!
Here is what you will be learning about and be experiencing:
- Arousal Arousal Arousal! Learn to pull the stopper off your upper limits of pleasure
- Ignite your passion for life and each other- exquisite desire coursing through you
- Learn ancient secrets for prolonged his and her pleasure- extended orgasm anyone?
- Heal emotional sore spots and stuck places from past relationship hurts- get current let go of the past
- Create practices for true and long-lasting intimacy- deeper, soulful, sensual powerful
- Tantra, Tantra, Tantra, why you want to know about these ancient secrets
- He says, she says, how to get on the same page and get your needs understood and met
- Embody sexual health for loving into older age- have incredible lovemaking well into your 90’s
- Dealing with any specific sexual challenges and/or dysfunctions- explore the many options
- Find the love and skill to be each other’s healers as well as be lovers- intimate communion

What’s included in your VIP Immersion:
- Thoughtful and experienced guides on your new adventure
- Phone consultation to review your relationship needs and wants and any challenges
- Customized package just for you two
- My undivided attention for the time we are together
- Private and personalized coaching and training with Tanja hours are tailored to your desired results
- Summary of personalized practices and lessons
- 2 Follow up sessions to integrate what you both learned
- Beautiful Journals to use for your Immersion
- Conscious Breath V-book
- Mp3 bonuses on Tantra, love, sex and Intimacy
- I can bring a male partner if we decide this is needed

OK, you are ready to take your relationship to the top of all it can be, be the envy of everyone else, be one of “those” couples that everyone talks about. Create enduring passion, intimacy, fabulous sex and love that last your whole life and can weather any storm.
You know I will be there with you and create a magical experience of powerful practices and understanding that will thrill, amaze and inspire you. You will also have down time to enjoy your experience and practice the things you are learning so you can get answers and coaching on anything not crystal clear.

At this point you may have questions like:
Will we be required to get naked with you to learn these things?
No, during the time all of us are together with practice and learning time none of us are getting naked, there is no need to do so. If you desire to be at a clothing optional resort that can be arranged however we still will not be naked when I teach.
Do you watch us when we make love to give us coaching help?
No, that is not part of the experience, although, for particularly challenging issues, Tanja may be available to coach from the sidelines, though will not be hands-on involved in any way.
I might be embarrassed to be watched while we do some of the practices, what can we do?
Yes while I teach I will be demonstrating as well as watching you practice and although some people can be a little embarrassed to start most get over it very quickly. To be clear, I will not be demonstrating ACTUAL sexual intercourse, genital touching, oral sex and I will not be watching you do those things either. The practices I teach you to translate over very easily to the real thing.
We are religious, does learning Tantra go against our beliefs?
No, I have worked with so many different beliefs systems and I always will always honor you.
Can we do this with another couple or several of our friends?
Yes indeed! And in fact, we don’t charge anything extra for one extra couple. Several friends? Ask us about special pricing.
Will you go anywhere we want, we don’t like beaches?
So far I can say yes to that and I have been a lot of places
What do we have to do to get ready for this experience?
Contact us and book the experience, talk with me on the phone, tell me where you want to go and book and pay for your flight, accommodations, and transfers or rental car after I confirm with you. Bring your personal items. Pack comfortable clothes appropriate to the weather and location.
We are having serious relationship challenges and I am thinking of getting divorced. Is this something that can turn our relationship around?
Remember we are going to have a phone chat and if for any reason I believe this is not the right fit I will tell you and suggest something else to help. If there are serious challenges the week long is a better bet to enable both people to have time to process the changes. That said, I have seen more than my fair share of couples come in mad and ready to leave each other and end the weekend more in love than ever before in their lives.
Is this for older couples as well?
Why yes it is. Any age and at any time in your relationship this is just the thing. I have had couples get engaged during the weekend, married and do this for their honeymoon, 50 year anniversaries, and everything in between. It is never too late or too early to get started on understanding how to make your relationship the one of your dreams. Sadly most couples wait for over 7 years while having problems before they invest in their relationship.

choosing me…
I am a real person, who has had life’s challenges and worked through them using the same beautiful practices I will share with you.
I am a Master Life Strategist and Lineage Tantra master, as well as
I will be on hand to provide a safe place to explore the many facets of Neo Tantra and how it can enhance your experience with your partner and yourself.
I am there to provide individual support as well as supporting you as a couple. I can demonstrate practices and connections that you can observe and then personalize them for your situation.
You will have plenty of time to practice them and ask questions and gain clarity about your stuck points and successes.
I have a vast amount of experience and knowledge at my fingertips and I can also bring a partner with me to add to this event if needed. Sometimes having a masculine energy with me there is a good balance.

Investing in yourselves with Peak Arousal Immersion
- Peak Arousal Immersion Weekend- 3 days – $7,997 + expenses
- Peak Arousal Immersion- 5 day Immersion $17,997 + expenses
Is this experience worth it?
Yes, most definitely yes. What price tag could you put on finding limitless pleasure and arousal that you can share with your partner, increasing more each year you keep practicing the simple steps we will teach you. What price could you put on affair-proofing your relationship and having sexual and soulful fulfillment? How about increasing your health, longevity, and passion? Priceless really.
How far out can we book and are there payment options and what are expenses?
Booking is based on our availability and the accommodations at the locale you desire. I have done a VIP weekend with only two weeks notice though I prefer more notice. Expenses are my travel costs and accommodations. Payment plans can be created depending on how far out you book. I can take monthly payments that we can arrange.
Typical Schedule thought this can be modified for your individual preferences.
Early Morning – Early morning stretching, breath work, meditation, breakfast
Mid-Morning – Class time and practices
Noon –lunch and after lunch conversations man to man and woman to woman and quiet time
Afternoon – More lessons, practice and healing sessions- or off for some fun
Early Evening – Dinner and conversation
Evening – More sessions and practice