connect sex and soul

Connect Sex and Soul 

Do you want more love, intimacy and amazing sex in your relationship? Great!

You have found the secret!

Nothing quite compares to being in the magic of a loving sexy relationship

the support… the security… the appreciation… the romance… …the intimacy. It is truly on of life’s greatest blessings.

Unfortunately, at times, relationships can sour. The comfort you once experienced slowly becomes complacency.

The spiritual and sexual intimacy you once shared fades. And suddenly, the relationship that once filled you with great joy and appreciation, now has you feeling… stuck.

You know you want more. More comfort, more passion, more intimacy, more romance, more sex. You want to take your relationship to the next level. To fall back in love.

But how?

I am happy to present Connect Sex and Soul

This is a wonderful opportunity for couples to enhance, heal, and explore their relationship

in ways never once imagined  AND you can participate no matter where in the world you live!

This is a 6 month online program where I will lead you through practices that will help strengthen your relationship. This program will provide any support you need to ensure you get that spark back in your love life.

And if you need it, I’ll help you remain accountable to the program and to your lover. I will show you how to enhance your communication, intimacy, problem solving, romance, sexual experience, and general lives together. And best of all, you can literally do this from anywhere in the world!

Let me ask you something.

  • Do you want to take your already great relationship to the next level?
  • Are you suffering in your relationship and want to get unstuck?
    Are there things that are too hard to talk about with your lover?
  • Do you secretly wish for a better, more passionate sex life?
  • Do you want to learn the sexual secrets of Neo Tantra?
  • Do you have issues you would like to heal in your relationship?
  • Do you desire more intimacy, deeper love, and more connection with your partner?
  • Do you care deeply for your partner and want to learn how to express that love powerfully and more easily?
  • Do you want to put more fun into exploring your relationship?
  • Do you want to learn more practical ways to keep your love and sex alive and well?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Sexy Soulful Relationship Group Coaching is perfect for you. It will help you accomplish all that you desire and more.

But why group coaching? I decided to do this in a group setting for many reasons. I want to help people fall back in love and enjoy and appreciate their relationships. I want to help couples thrive in their love lives. But I’ve realized, not everyone can afford this in a 1 on 1 coaching format.

I truly want to help as many people as possible. I know there are thousands of people out there who want more from their relationship.

And so I realized, a group setting would allow people to get the same effective and high quality training they would get by working 1 on 1 with me, at a more affordable price. A group setting would also allow you to interact with other couples, share your experiences, get support, see how others navigate the issues they are working through, gain a deeper understanding of men and women, and get some accountability to ensure your relationship grows.

I created a secret forum where you can do all this and more. Now, it’s not mandatory to join the forum. And even if you do decide to join, you don’t have to participate. But I know this environment can be an amazing tool for you. And you can count on me showing up in the forum regularly to answer any questions you maybe and help you along your journey.

What results can you expect from the Sexy Soulful relationship experience?

  • Learn effective communication so you can both be heard
  • Gain a deeper understanding of your partner and yourself
  • Create practices that will sustain your love, passion and intimacy for your lifetime
  • Get unstuck from the patterns and cycles that are destructive to your happiness together
  • Finally get authentic with each other and feel true safety and acceptance
  • Heal past emotional hurts and come current
  • Find ways to work with or overcome his or hers sexual dysfunction
  • Explore Tantric sex for maximum pleasure, his and hers

So what exactly do you get with this 6 month Sexy Soulful Relationship program?

* 2 – 60 minute live monthly coaching calls with me where I walk you through exercises and practices that will help you develop a stronger and more loving relationship with your partner

* 1-  Q and A call a month, where you can ask direct questions and get personal coaching about anything I’ve taught you. You can participate on these calls or send an email with questions and I will answer them.

* Access to all recorded calls, listen over again or catch up if you missed a call.

* 2 “get us unstuck” emergency email responses per month to keep you  on track 

 * Relationship assignments and fun time home play- have fun with the program

* Intimacy Interview Mp3- finally understand what intimacy actually is and how to get it

* You’ll also receive access to my secret Group Forum where you can learn, chat, and experience other couple’s education. This is a safe environment with like-minded couples who want to grow in their relationship just like you. This of this Forum a bonus coaching from me because I will be in there regularly answering any questions or concerns you may have.


  • You’ll also receive a complimentary copy of my Conscious Breath V-book designed to enhance all aspects of your life. Conscious Breath is also the foundation to the amazing, intense, and long orgasms Neo Tantra is known for.
  • Special MP3 design to help your home practices along
  • Special guest experts will guide you through some very helpful topics
  • Tantra, love, sex and intimacy Mp3- am amazing jam packed 60 mins of Tantra
  • First notice of my very exclusive Deep Sexy Relationship Retreat (it always sells out fast)

I absolutely know you are ready to take the next step in your relationship and invest in your future together.

So by all means enroll now because I only take 10 couples at a time and only do this course once a year and you do not want to wait another year and risk everything.

You will benefit from this group coaching for less than the price of two nights out with your partner, way less than couples therapy and nothing compared to a divorce.

That’s right. You will get this entire program for only $227 a month. After your first payment, your credit card will be billed every 30 days for a total of 6 payments. And if during the coaching you decided you are not receiving amazing value for your investment, please let me know and I will immediately cancel any re-occurring payment with 15 days notice.

So you literally have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. You can get that spark back with your partner. You can take your relationship to the next level and experience a level of intimacy you never thought possible.

So don’t hesitate. Click below and invest in your relationship. Join Sexy Soulful Relationship today and develop the relationship you truly crave.

Don’t wait, we are starting in Fall 2017 and you are going to be so happy you grabbed this offer! If you enroll early your first payment will hold your space and your reoccurring monthly payments won’t start till the program does.

Please wait to be directed to a thank you page for coaching and call details. If you do not get redirected please email me at