“Women don’t want you to JUST last longer-
they want you to last longer in immense and
prolonged pleasure they can share with you”
“Tanja, where do I start? I saw you because I could only last 3 minutes during sex. I was humiliated and down.
After your initial training course on lasting longer for sex I was blown away by my ability to last for 30, 45 or more minutes
and in more pleasure than I have ever experienced. My lover was blown away because she had no idea that sex could be that good.
It was great to be with a woman who was after me about sex all the time instead of the other way around. “
Lasting longer is a great start…and yet to become the lover you can be,
the lover she needs and wants (the lover she has only dreamt of so far) you
need to do more than pump away longer than the average man.
There are many reasons you might be trying to last longer…
You’re avoiding sex because of performance anxiety
You might have the wrong sex information
You believe you have premature ejaculation issues
Someone blamed you for their lack of orgasm
You’re embarrassed about your lack of control
You want to bring your partner more pleasure
You want to enjoy your own pleasure longer
Basically, you either feel confident
with your abilities or you don’t

Let me help you right now… you’re probably lasting
as long as you should… yep right now!
Men are designed to go from soft to hard and all the way to ejaculation in 90 seconds
The average man has intercourse for 3-5 minutes unless he
does something to ward off the impending ejaculation.
Most men practice ejaculation distraction techniques by
using position changes or thinking about other things.
But that means they have to keep the woman from getting
too excited as well or he will be pushed over the edge.
These distraction techniques should really only be used as emergency
measures and not the plan for how you manage your sex life.
Distraction is just that, distraction from your pleasure.
You get going, feel really good, then feel great,and realize you can’t go on
feeling that good (because you will ejaculate) so you use a distraction.
Now usually you’re around an 8 on your pleasure scale when this happens.
Although some men ramp from seemingly nothing to ejaculation with no warning.
Women are just starting to enjoy intercourse when your pleasure is about a 9.
Women feel your super excited energy and want THAT to go on 20 minutes.

Not all the distraction techniques.
When you distract yourself, you distract her, and she goes down
on the pleasure scale as well. The problem is women don’t get up the scale as fast as you do. So you distract yourself and come down to a manageable 6 or 7; women have gone back down to a 3 or 4.
Women get very frustrated when having sex with a man
using distraction techniques.
All the world’s most amazing lovers have advanced training
and a woman never forgets a man with this training…
Wow Tanja, Thanks! It was a real eye-opener. I had some many misconceptions about lasting longer, including why I was trying to.
Your program not only changed my confidence and timing but evolved my whole sex life! Tomer, CA
OK, Tanja, so I’m technically not premature
because I’m lasting at least 3 minutes!
Great, but I want to be in control of my timing and feel
confident that I can last in that high pleasure so she can too!
Perfect! I got you!
Last Longer For Sex: Confidence and Control
I created a program designed to give you confidence
and learn how to last longer in pleasure during sex.
This is training for your body and mind.
Whether you’re an experienced lover or new to sex,
you’ll become a much better lover than you currently are.
This specialty training is not just some information delivered in an ebook
that you never open or some lame tips on the internet written by some guy overseas.
You’ll receive specialty videos with clear and practical
instructions on how to achieve those last longer sex results you want
You can go back anytime and review them as needed.
I’ll lead you through a systematic body and mind training program
that will give you amazing results with simple to follow instructions.
Are you tired of those clumsy endings and stop and start sex moves?
Are you tired of wondering if she thinks you are any good?
Are you done with being an average lasting man?
YES? Good you’re ready to get going on lasting longer right now!
Once you sign up, you’ll get an email
to access the private online program platform where your
Last Longer for Sex: Confidence and Control
program lives, and you can access it 24/7
You’ll learn practices and information from my education and training in
ancient technologies, modern brain science, and advanced biohacking
to become the most confident and commanding lover you can be.
In this Program:
Week-by-week training videos
Your Self-Assessment
Your Training at a Glance PDF
How to talk to your partner PDF
(no partner needed to do this program)
What causes men to ejaculate quickly
The why- concepts of lasting longer
What you need for the practices
Lasting longer Tantra style
The essential practices to last longer
The video trainings are going to lead you step by step through the
process of training your body and mind how to last longer during sex
You will succeed at finally lasting longer during sex instead of just
distracting yourself and her from the pleasure you both could feel
because I don’t like wasting your time or mine.
Nothing I say is going to motivate you if you are not motivated to
make the change that brought you to this site to start with.
If you’re not going to do what it takes, then I can’t help you.
If you are a man of action and ready to make the woman you have sex
with be totally satisfied for the first time ever then PULL THE TRIGGER.
I’m Tanja Diamond and I’ve trained thousands of men for over
37 years to experience immense pleasure and satisfy their lovers.
I’m not just some fly-by-night internet marketer who wrote an
ebook using tips I found online.
I’m an expert in this subject matter, a coach, an author, and a workshop leader.
I live this every day. My reputation is on the line with every bit of information
I put out, and I’ve been creating material for men online since 1992 and before
that through workshops and private sessions.
And I have had a lot of sex, most of it not great, so I can get real with you about
how women REALLY FEEL about what’s going on and of course working with
thousands of women over the years, I have heard an ear full.