“Tanja is one of the few Classical Tantra Lineage Holders
Left in the World.”
When I first heard Tanja’s voice on the phone, I instantly knew something was radically different and intriguing about her. Relatively soon after that, at one of the lowest points in my life, I reached out to Tanja for guidance. My life has subsequently shifted in ways I could not imagine at the time. Now, Tanja is not one to coddle or bullshit to make anyone feel good. I am regularly amused by her shockingly candid heartfelt manner. There are few people in this world I trust as much as Tanja. If you want a vivid vibrant life of freedom and presence, then work with Tanja. Doug Spark -5th Dan Instructor Aikido
Hey, I’m Tanja Diamond…
I have consulted/coached thousands of people to take the radical courage they need to live extraordinary lives by changing old patterns, healing anxiety, releasing past emotional and physical trauma, gaining clarity, confidence and self-awareness.
I’m completely dedicated to helping you lose what doesn’t serve you and guide you with powerful, effective tools to where you deserve to be.
My practices, strategies, and tools have been used by CEO’s, entertainers, businesses, Mom’s, Dad’s, athletes, coaches, and others 7 to 92, to break free and attain their Personal Freedom.
I’ve been through hard stuff, tragedy, and extreme loss as well as extraordinary life happenings and I understand what it takes to pick yourself up and make things happen.
Let’s have a quick call, I’d love to understand what you’re seeking and how I might help you achieve that.
Working with Tanja has been transformative. I am no newbie. I came to her well versed in many of the categories she deftly leads us into. Yet Tanja is my highest teacher, her breadth of knowledge is extraordinary, her leadership unmatched. What makes her incredibly different, truly unique is her overhaul of our understanding our of arousal system: her science behind how we do what we do (in our bodies, our hearts, our belief system) and providing the individual practices for us to do so, so much more than I previously had imagined. I will say there was a “before” and “after” Tanja. I am reminded daily that the “before Tanja “ me is barely recognizable. This isn’t about following someone, this is about stripping away the things we follow, to become our fullest selves. CS New York
I have been working online and with video calls since that technology has been available to the mainstream public.
I love working with people from all over the world in this format.
It’s highly effective.
So reach out, I’ve got you!
Tanja Diamond is an autistic polymath Maverick leader, Tantra Lineage Holder, Business and Life Strategist. Her 45 years of unique worldwide education, extensive knowledge in thousands of subjects, and certifications in hundreds of modalities, make her the go-to for everyone who needs solutions and results quickly.
Her visionary work in healing and optimizing the nervous system boasts a 99% success rate in transforming trauma and unwanted behaviors and has impacted over 82K people and 22K animals in 60 countries.
Tanja is a five-time #1 International best-selling author, International speaker and the innovator of four high performance brands, Modern Tantra – The Seven Tantras of Integrated Intelligence, High Speed Evolution – The Five Evolutions to Life Mastery, Tantra For Business and Recover Your Life. Her coach certification programs are the most rigorous in the world.
Many of her clients have already done programs with people and companies like Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, The Gottman Institute, Warrior Sage, Wim Hof, Landmark, The Work, and others and come to Tanja to achieve ultra performance.

Tantra and Neo Tantra Coaching, Workshops and Certification
Discover Your Personal Freedom, Sexual Mastery, and Integrated Intelligence.
Tanja teaches Classical Tantra, Modern Tantra and Neo Tantra through workshops, one on one coaching, and online programs.
She certifies coaches in The Neo Tantra Certification Program, Modern Tantra and as Tantra Cuddle Facilitators.
Just wanted to thank you again Tanja for the very powerful journey of sharing and growth….I find I am still processing the experience and look forward to continued opening and expansion in these areas.
Your facilitation was inspiring, informative and safe, your personal style of respect, tolerance and caring for others came through loud and clear and made it easier for those of us who are new arrivals on this path to take risks and be vulnerable.
Occasionally you meet people that are doing exactly what they are called to do. You are clearly one of those people.Stephen Frazer- CEO
Interviews, Key Note, Speaking Engagements and Private events. Contact Tanja